The submit button is contained in the form footer which isn't part of the main list structure. That's why you can't simply float that button next to a field which is where most people go wrong. You have to go about it another way.
For reference, here's a guide to the basic form structure.
Now, on to your request. This is the same technique I've given other folks, you just need to tweak it for your form. As you'll notice, I've used your form ID (actually form ID #1 instead of #3) in this example.
Here's what we're doing.. making the form wrapper position:relative so we can absolutely position the footer element relative to the form itself. Then, we simply set the width to auto on the form footer, remove the un-needed padding and margins then set a top and left value to place it exactly where we want it. Easy peasy.
Add this to the end of your theme's stylesheet, tweak it a bit if you want and you should be good to go.
test screenshot:
Posted 14 years ago on Thursday March 3, 2011 |