Your theme's CSS is overriding the default Gravity Forms styles and reducing the width of the date and time inputs, specifically the following CSS which is found in gravity-mod.css
#top .gform_wrapper .gfield_time_hour input,
#top .gform_wrapper .gfield_time_minute input,
#top .gform_wrapper .gfield_date_month input,
#top .gform_wrapper .gfield_date_day input,
#top .gform_wrapper .gfield_date_year input {
width: 70% !important;
margin: 0 !important;
display: inline-block !important;
you can either modify that style or add the following to restore the width back to the Gravity default
#top .gform_wrapper .gfield_time_hour input,
#top .gform_wrapper .gfield_time_minute input,
#top .gform_wrapper .gfield_date_month input,
#top .gform_wrapper .gfield_date_day input,
#top .gform_wrapper .gfield_date_year input {
width: 85% !important;
Posted 11 years ago on Thursday June 27, 2013 |