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Turning Gravity Forms into a shopping cart? Any solution besides Cart66?

  1. Gaslight

    I have both GravityForms and Cart66.

    At the beginning I wanted to run a simple shop only on Gravity Forms but this is not possible because there's no customer session or actual shopping cart to store individual results for each "product" form.

    Therefore I tried Cart66 and tried to combine the two things. It's very sad though that Cart66 support for Gravity Forms leaves a lot to be desired, for example there's no possibility to let Gravity Forms handle product prices, there's no quantity tiered prices, and no Gravity Form is possible in the checkout form.

    Is there any other cart that supports Gravity Forms to handle products?
    Or even better, is there any way to let Gravity Forms run a simple cart?

    thank you

    Posted 13 years ago on Friday February 3, 2012 | Permalink
  2. Gaslight

    FYI, I found WooCommerce which has an extension to embed Gravity Forms in products, works like a charm... I wish some form could be embedded also in the checkout, but this is the best solution I've found so far

    Posted 13 years ago on Friday February 10, 2012 | Permalink
  3. detroit

    Why is this such a taboo topic? It should be iterated before you invest the money, and speak at a seminar where people take your word; that before you buy gravityforms, you will most likely not be able to use it with a general online business selling goods using sessions.

    I'm kicking myself right now. Did you discover woocommerce on theme forest? Is it pay to play or one time fee, and do you have some examples of how you used it?

    Thank you gaslight.

    Posted 12 years ago on Saturday March 24, 2012 | Permalink
  4. detroit

    I really love GravityForms, which is why this is so disappointing. I'm checking out WooCommerce right now, and some of this looks promsing.

    It might be a lot better than having customers type a reference id from the image into a gravity form on a sidebar widget lol

    Posted 12 years ago on Saturday March 24, 2012 | Permalink