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Unable to Save Form in Form Editor after about 45 fields

  1. andyschar

    Hi there,

    I've run into a problem: My multi-page form no longer wants to save when I'm editing it. My other smaller forms save fine, but this one has 45 fields and I'm guessing whatever is going on in the background of gravity forms is overloading something.

    I've read this concept of increasing the PHP memory size ( and I'm guessing that's what's causing my form not to save?

    As far as I can tell, the memory allocated to me by my host is 128MB - that should be fine right?

    I'm also wondering why this kind of technical stuff needs to occur - is there no way Gravity Forms can take care of this for me?

    Posted 12 years ago on Thursday August 4, 2011 | Permalink
  2. 128 MB should typically be more than enough. But then again I don't know what other plugins or themes you have running on your site. The more plugins you run and the more complex your theme... the greater the memory demands. Memory is typically the only reason that prevents a long form from saving.

    Why can't Gravity Forms take care of this for you? Because Gravity Forms is software and relies on the server to execute and if the server doesn't have enough memory or resources... it can't complete its execution. It's no different than trying to run software on your computer and not having enough memory or processing power to do so. We can't take into account all server environments because there are far too many different configurations to do so.

    You may want to double check your memory setup. Your host may be allocating 128MB of memory but your wp-config.php file may not be. Depending on how your server handles PHP memory, you may not actually have that much memory allocated to your WordPress site.

    Posted 12 years ago on Thursday August 4, 2011 | Permalink