I am using version 1.7.3 and I am trying to get text sent to the admin email that retains the XML tag fileds delimited by < and >.
This is the php code in functions.php
* GravityForms
* send notifications as text
add_filter('gform_notification', 'change_notification_format', 10, 3);
function change_notification_format( $notification, $form, $entry ) {$notification['message_format'] = "text"; //changing notification format to text
return $notification;
This is the notification message.
Computer XML data
<firstname>{First name:1}</firstname>
<lastname>{Last name:3}</lastname>
<Address_line1>{Address (Street Address):12.1}</Address_line1>
<Address_line2>{Address (Address Line 2):12.2}</Address_line2>
<Address1_city>{Address (City):12.3}</Address1_city> ...
And text received by the admin email has & l t {data} & g t instead of <{data}>
As a result, the data import function into my database can't read the XML tags because of the missing carats