Hi all,
I am using GF (great plugin btw) along with GF + Custom Fields and GF Update Post plugins, everything is working smoothly with the exception of updating custom taxonomies. Basically, I want to have my taxonomy value listed as a drop-down, and when the user changes the drop-down to a new taxonomy value, it updates. What is happening at the moment is that it is adding another value to the back-end checkboxes, so I end up with 2 taxonomy values selected - I only ever want one.
The same happens if I change to checkboxes or radio boxes, it never unchecks the original value, it only adds new ones onto it.
Can someone please help?! I have a site that needs to go live in the next 72hrs and this is the only thing holding me back now - there must be a way that on update you can deselect ALL taxonomy values and just update to the new one?
Please please help asap guys and gals of GF :)