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Updating from v. 1.3.11 to latest

  1. I had an older version installed on my site and needed to take advantage of some of the new features so I bought a new license. In the Setting of Gravity it says new version available with a hyperlink to my plugins page, but when I go there, it doesn't say a newer version is available. I tried installing over the old, but it doesn't like that either. I can't loose the forms (and data) from the older version. Advice? Thanks in advance.

    Posted 13 years ago on Sunday December 11, 2011 | Permalink
  2. You can manually install the plugin. Download the plugin to your desktop. Access your server with a command line or FTP and delete the old plugin files. This will NOT remove any data or forms you have right now. Then, install the new version of the plugin by uploading a new plugin in wp-admin. Activate. Insert your license key. You should be good to go at that point.

    Removing the plugin files will NOT remove and entries or forms, as those are stored in the database. If you click the "Uninstall Gravity Forms" button, THAT will remove all your entries and forms. Don't do that.

    As always, when making a big jump like this in versions, it's good to backup your database first, then test thoroughly after installing the new version, to be sure everything works as expected.

    Posted 13 years ago on Sunday December 11, 2011 | Permalink