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upgrade failure

  1. guevara

    everytime i try to upgrade to version it fails and wipes off all my forms.. Why is it doing that

    Posted 13 years ago on Thursday June 23, 2011 | Permalink
  2. Upgrading should have no impact on your form data. It sounds like what is happening is your WordPress site is failing when it tries to do the upgrade, this happens on occasion. The WordPress automatic update routine sometimes doesn't work properly.

    This means you will need to upgrade manually.

    - Download the Gravity Forms zipfile from the Plugin Downloads page on this site
    - Login to your WordPress Dashboard
    - Navigate to your Plugins page
    - Deactivate Gravity Forms
    - Delete Gravity Forms
    - Select Add New plugins
    - Upload Gravity Forms zipfile

    So basically you need to delete your existing version of Gravity Forms from the plugin page and then re-install the new version like you were doing it for the first time. Just delete it from the Plugins page and it won't impact your Gravity Forms data.

    Whatever you do DON'T use the Uninstall option on the Gravity Forms Settings page. This WILL delete your data, so don't do that.

    Posted 13 years ago on Thursday June 23, 2011 | Permalink

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