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Upgrade Time Extension

  1. I have a Personal License and am looking to upgrade to a Business, maybe Developer License.

    When I try to checkout it's charging me the normal $60 license fee, which is cool. But I want to know how the expiration timeframe is impacted since I bought the personal license on 5/2011, so it doesn't expire until 5/2012.

    Please advise.

    Posted 13 years ago on Thursday December 22, 2011 | Permalink
  2. Upgrading from the Personal License to the Business License gives you a discount equal to the value of your Personal License. That would make the Business License $60 because your Personal License was $39 and the Business License price is $99. So the upgrade price is correct.

    If you upgrade your Personal License to a Business License rather than renewing your Personal License it will both upgrade your license to a Business License and extend the license for an additional year from the time you upgrade. It doesn't extend the original expiration date of your license, it resets to one year from the time you upgrade.

    This is because you are purchasing 1 year of support and software updates for that Business License. So the 1 year begins when you upgrade.

    Posted 13 years ago on Thursday December 22, 2011 | Permalink