I have a form created in Gravity Forms with a file upload for a CV. Most of the time this works great, and I can click on the link in the backend or in the notification email to download the file. For some files that are uploaded with encoding for spaces, the link takes me to a filepath like follows:
eg. website.com/wp-content/uploads/gravity_forms/1-31a61026fe30a7630418b37f2537a40b/2012/07/Ali%2520Hadi%2520resume%5B1%5D11.doc
However this returns a 404 error.
When I navigate to the file in an FTP browser, I can verify the filename is Ali%2520Hadi%2520resume%5B1%5D11.doc which matches the filename in the URL, however when I grab the path to the file from my FTP browser, I get:
Notice the extra 25 in 2520 to make it 252520. This link actually works, however Gravity Forms isn't using this link.
Is this a bug with a system or something that can be easily corrected with an .htaccess file?