I have simple form here: http://minikurer.dk/. The first input field is an input type text field and the second is a list type. The first is for the origin address and the second is for the destination addresses. When submitting the form, the addresses need to be urlencoded. It seems that, input entered into the first field is urlencoded by gravityforms. The second field is not.
I have then urlencoded the data in a gform_pre_submission_ hook and that works fine. However, when I read the address in the backend under entries, special danish characters, like æøå are converted and there is a plus between each word. This is the result of it being urlencoded.
I have tried to urldecode the addresses in this hook gform_get_input_value and/or gform_save_field_value, but when I do that the data disappears. With the gform_save_input_value hook, the data is not saved and with gform_get_input_value hook it is just not displayed.
How does Gravityforms urlencode normal text input fields? Can I do the same with list input field? Is there anything else I should do instead?
Hope someone can give me a clue. :-)