It's possible to do this with Gravity Forms, however it does not currently automatically do this for you. But it is possible as a minor customization.
TDO Mini Forms does not really set the post author to the name used in the form to create the post. It creates the post using a default author you configure in the TDO Mini Forms settings. There is then another setting in TDO Mini Forms to "Use submitter info for author in your theme" and that is what you are referring to.
So what TDO does is it creates the post using the default author you selected in the settings, and then if you enable the other option it manipulates your theme itself to replace the authors name with a name stored as part of the post meta for the post that is created. It's a hack. In the database and in the WordPress Dashboard they aren't the author, TDO manipulates your theme to change how the post author function output works and change it's value.
We do not currently do this as a built in feature, however it's certainly possible to do this as a customization using Gravity Forms.
What it would involve is...
- Use Post Custom Field for Name Field and set the custom field name to something like author_name
- Use WordPress hooks to filter the function normally used to output the authors name of the post which is the_author so that if the post has post meta with the custom field name author_name it outputs that value instead of the real author as the output of that function.
We can look at introducing this as a native feature, however we have been hesitant to implement features that filter and manipulate WordPress core functionality like this.
Posted 12 years ago on Friday February 3, 2012 |