I have a sign up form that is supposed to store a few pieces of user meta... How do I go about actually storing these in the database?
One of these bits of data is the user's formal title 'Mr / Mrs / Dr / Miss / Ms' and then echo that out when a user posts... So it would be 'Mr Doe' for example. I know how to echo a last name but am struggling with the formal title setting that I've introduced. I've set up the form so I've added a dropdown and then selected the item 'formal title' in the user registration 'user meta' section and labelled it 'formal title'... What do I do next?
It seems the form submits and I have a form entry notification of these field entries, but they're nowhere to be seen in the database?
I'm a bit confused. What is the purpose of the 'User meta' section in User registration form settings if it doesn't actually store this data?
Thanks for your time in advance.