I'm trying to create a quiz entry type form where the user must be logged in to submit and they can only submit once.
Basically I've got a number of multiple choice questions (that are marked as *required* so the user can't accidentally submit before completing them)
I've also created a hidden field titled Email that automatically inserts the users email address INSERT VARIABLE: {user:user_email} if they are logged in. I've also made this a required field so technically they shouldn't be able to submit without being logged in (otherwise it would be blank). I've also checked the NO DUPLICATES box so that the user can't submit twice.
I've done the same for USER LOGIN.
All this sounds like it should work just fine but whether I'm logged in or logged out, I can submit as many times as I want. Checking the submissions, it is recording my email address and USER LOGIN but it isn't stopping submissions when I'm not logged in (both fields are blank) and it also isn't stopping multiple submissions from the same user.