Is it possible to add a footer text to all user notification emails for all the forms that are in use... Hopefully also from one place so if I want to change it that it will change in all user notification emails. If
Thanks in advance.
Is it possible to add a footer text to all user notification emails for all the forms that are in use... Hopefully also from one place so if I want to change it that it will change in all user notification emails. If
Thanks in advance.
Yes, you can do this. There are two pieces to it:
You can try something like this:
add_action('gform_pre_submission_filter', 'add_notification_footer');
function add_notification_footer($form){
// append your footer to whatever the autoresponder message is from the form builder
$form['autoResponder']['message'] .= "<p>Thank you for contacting Acme Enterprises. © " . date('Y') ."</p>";
// always return the form object
return $form;
Modify the footer HTML ("<p>Thank you for contacting Acme Enterprises..." above) and add that code to your theme's functions.php.
Thanks! That looks great, I will try it out.
Thanks again.
I tested it and it worked OK on all forms for me. Let us know if you have any trouble.