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User Registration Add On Password display in email

  1. Hi Guys,

    Let me just say that the new User Registration add on in BRILLIANT!!!!

    Gravity Forms certainly is my best WP Plugin investment to date!

    Anyway, onto a quick question (and I realize it's still in BETA).

    Is there anyway of adding the new users password to their confirmation email?

    I know that you can send the use their password by checking the "Send Email" in the advanced options settings, but the standard wordpress email is really crappy.

    If it's not a feature, can I ask for it to be considered in a next release?

    If not do you, or anyone else know a functions.php include that I could use to edit the New User Email?

    Thanks all, and once again, brilliant work!

    Posted 14 years ago on Thursday January 6, 2011 | Permalink
  2. We actually made a decision not to display the password in notification emails and actually delete it from the entry after the user registration process is complete as a security consideration. We decided to have WordPress handle the password completely, including any emails and password display handling.

    Here are a couple plugins some other users are using which allow you to customize the emails sent with the users password:

    Posted 14 years ago on Thursday January 6, 2011 | Permalink