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User Registration Add On Questions

  1. I originally posted this as a comment to the Announcement release for the add on, but realized it was probably more appropriate to put this in the forum. Please delete the comment.

    Also FYI, doesn't look like you have a forum category for this Add On yet.

    Anyway, I've just started testing this new Add-on, as I think its going to really help me with what I'm wanting to achieve, and have some questions.

    When creating Custom User Meta and associating it with Form Fields it does not appear to add anything to the Users Profile, but the registration process does complete. I’m assuming if this was working correctly, the Custom User Meta fields should show up on the users profile, and the user should later be able to edit their Custom User Meta fields from the Profile Edit Page correct?

    Also, it would be great if you had an option for adding a "Log-In" Advanced Field. That would allow to put Log-In Fields at the top of the form or within a form, requiring Log-In before being able to fill out additional fields.

    Also, what about creating forms that allow you to Add Custom User Meta to a profile without being an actual registration form. For instance the user is already registered and you want to allow a logged in user to fill out a form that would add new User Meta to their profile?

    You can see a form that I’m hoping to make work with Gravity Forms here.

    I basically have three types of registrations in this single form. The first field of the form lets the user choose their type of registration. Conditional Logic is used to determine what fields are offered for their registration type. Two of the registration options give the user different roles on the site. The 3rd option is for a user that is already registered for the site but needs to fill out the form to register additional information regarding a purchase and associate additional User Meta to their account.

    Hopefully that makes sense. :)

    Thanks for your work on this GREAT Add On!

    Posted 14 years ago on Sunday December 19, 2010 | Permalink
  2. User Meta does get added, however the WordPress User Editor in the admin only shows default User Meta fields. If you add custom user meta fields using the user registration add-on you would have to use a plugin or write a plugin to display these custom fields in the WordPress User Editor.

    If you want to have a form where a user has to be logged in in order to access, I would suggest using an access control / role management plugin such as the Members plugin. Then you can either set the page the form is on as requiring the user is logged in, or wrap the form in a shortcode that has the same effect.

    The Add-On is currently only designed to register users, it's not an access control add-on so it isn't going to introduce features to limit access control. That is what other, more specialized plugins, are designed to do.

    But we are planning on adding additional features as the add-on evolves. But I can't guarantee it's going to do everything you have pointed out. It's a data input tool.

    Posted 14 years ago on Monday December 20, 2010 | Permalink
  3. Thanks for the feedback Carl!

    I would definitely like to put in these feature requests for this Add On, especially for being able to add and edit user meta on the User Profile Page as well as being able to add User Meta to a user without actually requiring Registration on the form. Seems like you guys would already have a good start on being able to do that. I also think a "Login" advanced field is a no-brainer, one that could work inline within a form.

    Posted 14 years ago on Monday December 20, 2010 | Permalink
  4. FYI, everything I'm looking to do is related to data input. Mostly for User Meta. I'm not concerned with Access Control via Gravity Forms. Were already planning on using Members or Role Scoper for that.

    Posted 14 years ago on Monday December 20, 2010 | Permalink
  5. I also have a few questions, as I've been waiting for this add-on. I have a form where users can submit a news story, and I plan to have a user created when they submit with name, email and bio. So here are my questions
    1.) If I don't include a password field, will wordpress just autogenerate it?
    2.) If a user submits another form later and fills out all the information - will it try to create the user again and fail?


    Posted 14 years ago on Tuesday December 21, 2010 | Permalink
  6. If you don't include a password field, it will be auto-generated.

    If a user tries to register and the username already exists, it will trigger a validation error and tell them the username already exists. If a user tries to register and the email already exists, same thing. Username has to be unique and email has to be unique. So yes, it will tell them a user already exists with that username and/or email.

    Posted 14 years ago on Tuesday December 21, 2010 | Permalink
  7. Hi Carl,

    A couple more questions for you... I'm trying to keep this a very simple front end form for users to upload a local news story. If I'm lucky, people will come back and submit more than once ;-)

    1.) If they have already submitted once, does this mean that they now have to login to wordpress "proper" and can't use the form on my site anymore for future submissions?

    2.) Or, is there a way to create another gravity form that basically bypasses the standard wordpress login screen and interface and let's registered authors do more submissions easily?

    3.) Is there a way to add more information to my first form - for example text that says something about if you have already submitted and have a user account please click here to login - and allows me to link to another gravity form or enter an a href to do this?

    I've been trying to search the forums, but my goodness there is a log of information here. Please feel free to point me to another post if this has already been discussed.

    The initial user creation was absolutely perfect, including setting the post author and the bio - so I'm very encourage ;-)

    Thanks in advance for your time - and Happy New Year!


    Posted 14 years ago on Sunday January 2, 2011 | Permalink
  8. Yes, they could not use the Registration Form again after they are logged in because they would already have an account, you wouldn't want them creating another account. What you could do is create another form that is for existing/logged in users to submit a story.

    Then use the Members plugin or something similar to restrict access to the page containing that form to only logged in users. Then set this form so that the author of the post created uses the user that is logged in.

    You could even have both forms on the same page and using an access control plugin show one or the other based on them being logged in or not.

    There are a variety of ways you could implement this. It all comes down to preference.

    Posted 14 years ago on Monday January 3, 2011 | Permalink
  9. Thanks Carl!

    Posted 14 years ago on Wednesday January 5, 2011 | Permalink

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