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User Registration Add-On: Resolve & Map IP Address?

  1. Hello again guys,

    Trying out the User Reg add-on. Super happy you guys made this.

    I have a question I'm sure the answer currently is NO for, but wanted to check and see if it can be added as a feature later.

    I have a need to determine which country a user is registering in. (Yes, I could ask, but people lie.)

    I want to make a Conditional Registration field so that if the user is anywhere EXCEPT here in Thailand, the user would be registered automatically.

    Anyone registering in Thailand would need to be manually approved, but I'm trying to automate as much as possible of the process.

    Now, I know GF collects IP addresses. Does it also somehow collect the network name / location of the IP address? Anyway to resolve those IPs and map it as country?

    Would be very handy.

    Posted 14 years ago on Tuesday January 11, 2011 | Permalink
  2. Gravity Forms does not do any kind of reverse lookup on an IP address to determine the country/location. This requires a database of locations in order to do this, typically via an API with a 3rd party service that has the geo data. We don't do this. So currently this wouldn't be possible.

    Also, the User Registration Add-On doesn't have an approval process. Users are registered right away. The only approval process you could do is setting the user role to a temporary role you create, and then when you approve the user you manually change their user role.

    We plan on adding approval capabilities in a future release.

    Posted 14 years ago on Tuesday January 11, 2011 | Permalink
  3. Thanks.

    I found a WP plugin called "IP to Country" that does that database/API lookup thing. The plugin is not written for the end user but, according to author, for other plugin authors to use. So, if you were interested in implementing such a function, I guess it would be possible.

    My thought was that if the user was in Thailand, he could be set as user role "Member" and, if not, "Non-Member." (I'd create these new roles beforehand, of course.).

    Just an idea. Thanks!

    Posted 14 years ago on Wednesday January 12, 2011 | Permalink