I can't believe I paid for a plugin and am dumb enough to give assistance for free...
Anyway, you can use the WP registration actions to adjust things after a user registers.
In your functions.php simply add:
//create a redirection after registration
add_action(‘init’, ‘redirect_registered’);
function redirect_registered (){
$redirect_location = ‘index.php’;
wp_redirect( $redirect_location );
Keep in mind that a redirect can send data ie:
$redirect_location = ‘index.php?user_happiness=very’;
What this means is it allows you to do things regardless of a user being logged in or not. You can enter form data into the database easily this way.
Keep in mind how the WP login/registration works. It does store data in the users table, as it needs something to check the password against when a user does finally log in. So the data is already there.
Additionally, you can also set the user to 'validated' regardless of them checking their email by simple SQL query which, in turn, allows yuo to do even more.
It all starts with an action after registration.
By the way...
That is the default variable that is sent in the head when a user registers. All you are doing is taking advantage of that.
Posted 14 years ago on Friday December 17, 2010 |