Hello! I've just purchased GF (Dev) to use on a couple of websites that will allow users to submit content. My plan was to keep it simple for users and not require registration.
I'm also a novice in using Wordpress and don't full understand what happens if users register on the site (backend). I know I can set permissions to Contributor, but I'm having a hard time understanding, or even knowing what to search for, to fully understand permissions if the site is not intended as a true membership site (i.e. no member forums, profile pages, etc.).
I do want to include a MailChimp registration section to allow site visitors to subscribe to a newsletter, but want to assure I use "white hat" process of opt-in vs. auto adding users to a newsletter subscription.
Can someone help me understand how user registration works and when/why it should be used?
For one site, my user submitted content will include ONLY the following: Post Category, Image, Image Submitted by, and Tags. I want the image to auto post; is there anything else I need to do?
Also, I would like to add a REPORT feature to my posts so if someone adds inappropriate content, other site users can report for review/deletion. What is the best way to do this?
Thank you for a great product!