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Users submitting forms, but times out or hangs up. Submission not successful.

  1. jcmilton

    Does anyone have users who try to submit a Gravity Form, but for some reason the form seems to hang up or time out (and the submission is not received)? I have a small percentage of users that this is happening to, although the vast majority of my users (98% or so) have no problems. I have the people who had issues try different computers and sometimes that helps, but not always.

    Here is what one of them said:

    "I am running 5 MAC's here, but the two that I was using were running 10.4.11 (Mozilla) and the other one is running (10.7.2) also Mozilla. I am not sure if there is an issue with Firefox but it seems that when the page is trying to load it times out on your server end."

    I thought it may have been because they are overseas, but then I discovered 2 of the people having issues were here in the US. My server is a US based hybrid server with dedicated CPU and 3GB of RAM and has way more capacity for my needs, so there's no bottleneck on my end.

    Could it be they have a bad/slow ISP?

    What would cause a time-out and hanging up of the form trying to transmit?

    Posted 12 years ago on Tuesday January 17, 2012 | Permalink