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Uses for hidden fields - Contest case

  1. brubrant2


    I am using gravity forms to build a contest entry page where the user submits the response of the contest.

    I would like to add a hidden field which will be used by a custom and specific user (role 'Evaluator') to comment and another hidden field to other specific user (role 'Jury') to select the winning entries and then display the winning entry on page.

    Overview of my problem:

    User sends response of contest ---> Evaluator analyzes the responses and comments on it ---> Jury evaluates the responses of users and the comments from Evaluators and chooses a winner ---> Jury display the winner on page

    Is this possible with gravity forms? How can I implement this?

    My code skills is in intermediate level.

    What I have done so far: I created a new role Evaluator and gave him the capabilitie to edit the forms of Gravity and see the records. I created the evaluation field and Set visibility to 'admin only'. Logged in as Evaluator I can only see the hidden field in edit mode of the form. How can I fill it? This is stopping my progression in the solution.

    Any thought will be appreciated.


    Posted 12 years ago on Saturday June 9, 2012 | Permalink
  2. brubrant2

    I found something that will help me

    This will help me too

    I will create specific fields to be displayed for evaluation according to the user's role.

    Let's see what I find forward.

    Posted 12 years ago on Monday June 11, 2012 | Permalink
  3. David Peralty

    Glad the other forum threads are helping. Let me know if you need anything else.

    Posted 12 years ago on Monday June 11, 2012 | Permalink
  4. brubrant2

    Thanks for reply David.

    Can I use the hook form_entry_detail to add another field to be inserted together to the record of the note?

    Posted 12 years ago on Monday June 11, 2012 | Permalink
  5. David Peralty

    You can have admin only fields in your form that when edited through the entries section allows additional data to be added to your entry. You can't add additional fields like the note field to the entries section.

    Posted 12 years ago on Monday June 11, 2012 | Permalink
  6. brubrant2

    Even as meta value?

    Posted 12 years ago on Monday June 11, 2012 | Permalink