I see where you're at right now. Looks good so far. You've collected data on the first couple pages (one and two.) I think at the end of page two I would make the next button a submit button (you can change the text to "Next" instead of submit, if you want.) At that point, you are done with form one and you have captured their lead details.
In form one, use a redirect on the confirmation settings. Send the values you want in the query string. Use the query string builder with the merge tag drop down, on the "redirect" option of the Confirmation tab. You will send the person who submitted the form to a landing page, and send their submitted details in the query string.
On the landing page for the confirmation setting of the first form, you will need to capture these details and use them in the three button links. You can use the URL Params plugin to create the button links using the query string parameters. http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/url-params/
The button links will be a combination of submitted information and your variable plan information, and will point to your second form. In your second form, you need to "Allow fields to be populated dynamically" for anything you are sending in the query string (the link which is attached to the button.)
Is that enough information to get you moving to the next step?
Posted 12 years ago on Thursday October 18, 2012 |