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Using Form to submit blog data

  1. My goal is to use GF to make it easier for people to submit their posts to my blog. Let's face it the standard formatting in WP is a bit quirky especially for the computer ... challenged. Most of the demographic that use my current message forum are older and most would bail in a second if they had to use the standard WP setup to post anything.

    I know that by using GF will definately simplify the process and make it much easier for people to post their information. If someone could give me a idea on how to set it up so the form page will input to individual post from each person on the blog. An example of what I would like the page to look like after submission is:

    Thanks in advance for any help.

    Posted 15 years ago on Thursday November 26, 2009 | Permalink
  2. Btw, I've been rtfm and playing with this for quite a while. There is some setting that I havn't found that will parse the form page data. Right now the form information does show up on the "Entries" section of the Forms menu on the left.

    I just wanted to clarify a bit and let you know that I really have read and tried to look for a solution before posting here.

    Posted 15 years ago on Thursday November 26, 2009 | Permalink
  3. Dirk, you can use the post field functionality to get you pretty close to the page you referenced as an example.

    You'll need a post body field and category field in your form as those are required to create a post. I quickly set up a form similar to yours and worked from there.

    form screenshot

    to add multiple images to a post, we'll use the built in WP gallery functionality. You can go back and add this in the editor after the post has been created by adding the [gallery] shortcode, or you can embed the shortcode into your single.php file something like the example below.. I chose to put the gallery below the post content.

    <div class="post-content">
        <?php the_content('Read the rest of this entry &raquo;'); ?>
        <?php echo do_shortcode("[gallery]"); ?>

    Once that's placed in the file where you want it, it will embed the gallery of images that are associated with that post. The default styling has the images on top and captions below, but to emulate your example a little better, I used a little CSS to override the default styles.

    /*restyle default gallery ---------*/ {float:left; margin-right:15px; clear:both; overflow:hidden; width:100%!important} {float:left; padding:6px!important} {margin-left:180px!important; padding:6px 0 0 0; text-align:left!important; line-height:150%}

    So, after all that's done, this is the end result.

    post screenshot

    Hopefully, that will get you going in the right direction. Once you're up and running, you might be interested in a related post on adding a WYSIWYG editor to the post form.

    One last note, there are a variety of options you can use with the gallery shortcode, you can find out more about that on the WordPress codex site.

    Posted 15 years ago on Thursday November 26, 2009 | Permalink
  4. Kevin, Thanks a million for the help with this. The change in code for CSS is only for the style.css file or does it need to be applied elsewere? I just want to make sure I know where the default styling is being applied.

    Also the additional CSS code can be placed at the end? Sorry I have not worked with CSS very much. I'm familiar with it but not too much. :-)

    Posted 15 years ago on Thursday November 26, 2009 | Permalink
  5. You're welcome. I'm happy to help out. Yes, you can add it to the end of your theme style sheet - usually style.css. You shouldn't have to add it anywhere else.

    Posted 15 years ago on Thursday November 26, 2009 | Permalink
  6. ekrocker

    Awesome tip. I'll be using this till the ability to post images directed to a post gets added to Gravity Forms. Question though - I noticed you can use the short code but how to you remove the link for the individual picture? I see all sorts of options to include in the shortcode statement however the link removal is not one of them. Suggestions?

    Posted 15 years ago on Monday January 18, 2010 | Permalink
  7. The example uses the default WordPress gallery functionality which itself is pretty limited. To remedy that, grab Justin Tadlocks Cleaner Gallery Plugin. It adds a lot of additional options, one of which is setting the default link target (or no link) for the thumbnails.


    Hope that helps.

    Posted 15 years ago on Monday January 18, 2010 | Permalink
  8. surfershort

    Hi great post just what i was looking for - just one question is this method compatible with next gen gallery?


    Posted 14 years ago on Friday January 7, 2011 | Permalink
  9. @surfershort This method of using the gallery shortcode is dated. There are easier ways to implement the built in WordPress [gallery] shortcode using the Post Body and the Content Template functionality. I'm not familiar with next gen enough to know if it would work with it as well.

    Gravity Forms doesn't upload post images to next gen galleries, only the post gallery for the post that is created with the form.

    Posted 14 years ago on Friday January 7, 2011 | Permalink
  10. Cor van Noorloos


    After reading this thread and plenty of others I notice there are quite a few mentions to the Post Body and the Content Template functionality.

    Being quite new to Gravity Forms I am somehow overlooking these references though.

    Could you tell if there's an up to date blog/post of these perhaps?

    Best Regards,


    Posted 14 years ago on Sunday February 20, 2011 | Permalink
  11. @cor the Content Template functionality is a feature of the Post Body, Post Title and Post Custom Field fieldtypes in Gravity Forms v1.5. It's an option when editing those field types in the form editor. Documentation for these will be made available with the final release of Gravity Forms v1.5 at the end of the month.

    For now, they are options on these 3 field types. When you turn the option on you are presented with a textarea where you can create the content the same way you create Notification emails in Gravity Forms. You can use HTML markup and insert form field values using form field variables. Whatever you add in your content template is what is used to create the value of that field.

    Posted 14 years ago on Monday February 21, 2011 | Permalink