So, I'm wondering what your thoughts are regarding using Gravity Forms to emulate a set of custom post types. The background is as follows: While Wordpress can handle custom post types, its handling of them rather inflexible and adding new fields can be quite a chore.
A customer would like to use GF to help customer support keep track of item repair status. They would like to create one form for each type of product (new products will likely be added every year).
The customer support representative would then create an entry using that form, and whenever the status of the item changes (e.g. from "received" to "repaired" or "sent to customer") they would like to open that specific entry to update it.
I know this is not exactly intended use, but as long as we don't modify the GF plugin and use the published API:s, do you foresee any difficulties or pitfalls?
Any input would be greatly appreciated!