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Using GF as a way for one user to contact another -- like Craig's List

  1. Sorry for that title...I couldn't figure out the best way to label this customization inquiry.

    I have a client who wants to have a way for users to post free goods (it's a family site and the idea is to give away or trade clothes that children grow out of) and we wanted to use GF as the form to create the post. We'd like to avoid publicly displaying the email address of the poster, but were curious if there was a way to plug into GF in such a way that we could auto create the notification email for a particular form to send to the appropriate with craigslist.

    As I wrote this, I just realized that there are two forms though, and this is way more complicated than I had originally thought. One form is required to create the post, and another form is required to contact the poster. Seems intense.

    In any regard, if you have some suggestions on how this might work, i'd love to hear them.

    Posted 13 years ago on Monday December 5, 2011 | Permalink
  2. Create a form that creates the post. Store the posters email address as a custom field value for the post that is created.

    Create a form that contacts the poster. Add a email field to this form, set it's visibility to admin only and populate it's default value with a merge tag that pulls the value of the custom field name you are using to store the posters email address via the first form.

    Set the admin notification for the form that contacts the poster to use the email field you are populating the custom field value with.

    Merge tag documentation is here:

    Another post discusses how to populate an email with a custom field value here:

    Posted 13 years ago on Monday December 5, 2011 | Permalink
  3. carl, you rock. thanks!

    Posted 13 years ago on Tuesday December 6, 2011 | Permalink

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