I realize the ability to use GF to make a post with a link to an uploaded file is part of a Beta release, but man I could sure use a simple explanation on how to do it.
It would be great if somebody could do a Step 1, Step 2, Step 3, etc explanation on how to add a URL to an uploaded file with a post created using GF. I have read the short explanation in the new features blurb, but I just can't seem to get it together.
Seems like you have to make a custom field type for a file upload and you have to do some tweaking in the body field.
I spent a good bit of time with this and the closest I got was a URL in the body with none of the body text showing up. The URL was also not hyper-linked.
Here is the post: http://cornerstonesbc.org/2010/08/post-upload-test-5345/
Any help is appreciated.