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Using Gravity Forms for both user registration and user generated content

  1. I would like to use Gravity Forms for user registration and allow these users to make posts, including images.

    I see this excellent post to allow users to make posts but how do I tie it to the user?

    I would also like to limit the post page to only registered users. Can you lead me to instructions for that?

    Thank you in advance.

    Posted 12 years ago on Thursday January 17, 2013 | Permalink
  2. You need to register the user first, before you allow them to create a post. You can use the built-in WordPress registration functions, or with a Developer License, you can download and use the User Registration add-on.

    Once you register and log the user in, there is an option in your form to "Use logged in user as author". It's a configuration option on the post body and post title field. That will tie the user to the post they are creating.

    To restrict access to the post page (the page where your form is embedded which will allow the user to create a post?) there is a checkbox option on the Form Settings > Advanced tab to "Require user to be logged in". That will prevent the form from showing to any visitor who is not logged in.

    Posted 12 years ago on Thursday January 17, 2013 | Permalink