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Using print-entry to display entries on front end

  1. michaelbyrd123

    given a entry / form id is there an easy way to display entry data as it is displayed when you access it in the backend? I'm trying to set up a page that gets the current user, checks if they've requested certain form data, and if they have it displays the data from each form they've requested. I have a list of form id's, but dont have a good way of displaying that data.

    I noticed theres a print-entry.php and that displays a single entry pretty close to what I want. If I could just get that data into my front end page easily it would be awesome.

    Posted 13 years ago on Friday January 7, 2011 | Permalink
  2. There is no built in functions or shortcodes for displaying entry data on the front end.

    You would have to either create your own by looking at the code in Gravity Forms and writing your own custom code to do so, or use a plugin like the Gravity Forms Directory Add-On in the repository which allows you to display entries on the front end.

    It's one of the features we plan on introducing later this year.

    Posted 13 years ago on Friday January 7, 2011 | Permalink
  3. CityofSydney

    Hi Carl,

    Displaying entries on the front end is very high priority for us. So I am trying to find another solution (not being a PHP developer myself).

    Can you point me to the Gravity Forms Directory Add-On link? or a simple example on how to implement what this post mentions.

    Many Thanks

    Posted 13 years ago on Friday August 5, 2011 | Permalink
  4. The Gravity Forms Directory Add-On can be found here:

    Displaying entry data on the front end is something we plan on focusing on with the v1.7 release of Gravity Forms.

    Posted 13 years ago on Friday August 5, 2011 | Permalink

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