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Volunteer Database Design with 2 forms

  1. I'm working on making a Volunteer Job Database that displays job opportunities fed into through a form and displayed through the Directory and addons plugin. What I want to know is if there is way to create a form that enables users to apply for the job using another form that inherits the email from the first form and then just sends it as a notification to the email. Something like I have a button in the submission listing of the first form that passes the value(email) to the other form.

    Any ideas/suggestions on the best way to do this ?

    Posted 12 years ago on Tuesday February 5, 2013 | Permalink
  2. To pass a value from one form to the next, you can use dynamic population. You can read about setting that up here:

    You probably want #2, query string method. Form 1 will use a redirect for the confirmation, and use will use the query string to send the email address to form 2. Then form 2 will have an email field which has set the option "Allow field to be populated dynamically". Then, use the same parameter name in both places (the query string and on the advanced tab where you checked "Allow field to be populated dynamically.")

    Posted 12 years ago on Tuesday February 5, 2013 | Permalink