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W3C (IN)valid HTML

  1. rotundaservices

    A few errors thrown when trying to validate the HTML at Was wondering, since we go out of our way to validate our HTML, if there was a suggestion on a workaround to make this compliant with W3C standards?

    value of attribute "type" cannot be "email"; must be one of "text", "password", "checkbox", "radio", "submit", "reset", "file", "hidden", "image", "button"

    …e='input_4' id='input_1_4' type='email' value='' class='medium' tabindex='4' /

    The value of the attribute is defined to be one of a list of possible values but in the document it contained something that is not allowed for that type of attribute. For instance, the “selected” attribute must be either minimized as “selected” or spelled out in full as “selected="selected"”; a value like “selected="true"” is not allowed.


    value of attribute "type" cannot be "tel"; must be one of "text", "password", "checkbox", "radio", "submit", "reset", "file", "hidden", "image", "button"

    …ame='input_6' id='input_1_6' type='tel' value='' class='medium' tabindex='5' /

    Posted 14 years ago on Tuesday June 8, 2010 | Permalink
  2. This is happening because these input types are HTML5 and not XHTML. So they are a W3 standard, however they are part of the HTML5 standard. HTML5 is the future and XHTML is the past. We will be adding an option in a future release that will allow you to turn off HTML5 output for those that insist on XHTML validation who aren't ready to embrace HTML5.

    Just keep in mind that more and more sites are going to start embracing elements of HTML5 as more browser start including support for them. These input types are just some of the things from HTML5 we are able to implement that are being supported by more and more browsers.

    Until HTML5 is fully supported across the board then sites that don't validate XHTML because they are using HTML5 elements are going to be a fact of life if you want to stay on the cutting edge of browser capabilities.

    Posted 14 years ago on Tuesday June 8, 2010 | Permalink