Hi, I am getting quite a few errors on my Gravity Form page when I run it through CSS W3C Validator. Here is the code:
Can you help?
Hi, I am getting quite a few errors on my Gravity Form page when I run it through CSS W3C Validator. Here is the code:
Can you help?
We do not promise CSS W3C validation with Gravity Forms. We implement both HTML5 and non-HTML5 related markup so there is no way to ensure validation because of the mix in features and functionality being used.
Thank you, Carl! Someone in the SEO business mentioned that Gravity Forms guaranteed CSS validation. Thus the question.
We do not. We are more concerned with xhtml and html 5 validation. And even then you need to be careful because we have HTML 5 field options that you can enable and then it's on the user to make sure everything else is HTML 5 compliant.
CSS validation wise because we sell a product that needs to work across a wide variety of sites and we implement both XHTML and HTML 5 functionality we can't guarantee the CSS is going to validate. But it's going to work. If something doesn't validate it doesn't mean it's broken or doesn't work, it just doesn't conform to W3C standards which should be used as a guide... not necessarily a rule or law.
Thanks! I was able to satisfy my SEO guys requirement by moving what I needed css wise over to the theme style sheet.