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Way to reference advanced field list item's count of rows in admin notification?

  1. I am trying to manually create an email so as to avoid HTML formatting. I see that to output an advanced field list item is very easy. Basically just like the other fields by using {field_label:field_id}. I would like to be able to include a count of the rows entered in the list field. I have tried something like {field_label:field_id:count}. I also tried rows or total in place of count. I just seem to get a second listing of all the rows. Is there a special label to use for getting a list's row count to output in a notification email?

    Posted 12 years ago on Thursday April 5, 2012 | Permalink
  2. I think I'm now also looking for a way to get a count of advanced List field entries.

    In my case I would want to multiply that with a hidden product field value and display a Total to the user. Any thoughts?

    Posted 12 years ago on Wednesday May 9, 2012 | Permalink