I currently have a web form (standard php/html non-gravity form) as defined as follows:
<form name="campus_visit" id="campusID" action="<? echo $formhandlerpath; ?>" method="POST" onsubmit="return qasVerify( true );">
It is a form which does some Javascript processing when submitted, and if returned with no problems, the form is then submitted to the action as above (won't go into too much detail, but essentially then calls a webservice for address verification).
Is it possible to customize a GravityForm to do the same? I would be needing to include an external javascript .js file which would do some processsing upon a click of the submit button, and if the processing is completed with no problems, I would then submit to another .php web page.
Can we perform this in GravityForm such that we customize the button and form behaviors? If so, where would we do so? Which file?
Also, I would be neeeding to have ability to control the id's of the labels inside the form since my external javascript files need to retrieve the values entered in these labels.