I've read several questions on this and it may be in the memory allocation on the server but I would like confirmation of this theory. I have two forms on one domain and another two on a sub-domain (until I am done with transferring all the data to the main domain—I don't know if this has anything to do with it). The first form (a contact form) has run perfectly. No issues that I have seen. The second form (an employment application, two pages presently but will be three when done) is in the process of being built. I am up to 56 fields.
All of a sudden it does not save any more. Matter of fact if I try to make any changes to any of the forms they do not save. I get the white page (no error message) and have to go back or type in the URL.
1. What has changed that it no longer saves? I am trying to rebuild the form on the sub-domain on the main domain with just a few tweaks. I assumed that it would be as easy to build.
2. What do I need to do so that I can continue building the form?
3. We've been checking error logs and not seeing anything with regard to this so I am not sure it is a memory issue, but if it is, by turning off the plugin or forms on the subdomain would this help release memory?