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Widget form working but not showing confirmation message

  1. I have a mailchimp form in a sidebar widget. Form submission is working (email gets added in mailchimp), however there is no confirmation on submit. Both text confirmation and confirm page aren't working (Ideally, I'd like to use text confirmation).

    The form Settings confirmation is set to "Text" with some text entered.

    Enable AJAX is checked in widget settings.

    WP 3.2.1
    Gravity 1.6.1

    Posted 13 years ago on Thursday December 1, 2011 | Permalink
  2. Hard to tell what is happening without being able to see the form, form settings, and widget setup. There isn't any known issue related to using form widgets.

    Send me an email at and provide me with a WordPress admin login for the site, let me know which form and where the widget is and i'll be glad to take a look and see what is going on.

    Posted 13 years ago on Thursday December 1, 2011 | Permalink
  3. The issue is a JS error causing problems with the AJAX which utilizes jQuery. There are actually 2 errors. Here is a screenshot of the errors on the page:

    The first error is the main problem. Your site is loading jQuery in the footer. This causes a problem because the AJAX requires jQuery to be loaded in order to execute. Because jQuery is loaded in the footer, this means jQuery isn't loaded when the form attempts to execute the AJAX. The solution to this is to enqueue jQuery in the header, rather than the footer.

    Typically calling jQuery in the footer is acceptable. But anytime there is any kind of inline jQuery, it must already be loaded for it to work. Currently because of the nature of the AJAX it loads some in line jQuery and because jQuery isn't loaded yet, it causes an error.

    The other error is coming from skeleton-key.js and is related to something called tipsy. I don't know what that is. But you'll want to get it fixed because any JS errors can cause problems with form elements that use JS due to the fact the browser will quit executing JS if there is an error.

    We do plan on updating Gravity Forms so that the AJAX functionality supports jQuery being loaded in the footer, however it will require refactoring how we implement some functionality so it isn't something we will be introducing until sometime next year due to the core changes required.

    Posted 13 years ago on Monday December 19, 2011 | Permalink