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Widget in wordpress enabled external page

  1. dochara

    I have a site on which there are a number of pages which are not in wordpress but are wordpress enabled. These pages use the same footer include and sidebar include as the wordpress section of the site. Widgets work fine in them.

    I have used a widget to display a newsletter sign up form (with Ajax confirmation) in the footer, and this works fine in as much as the form is there. It works in the WordPress section, but not in the other pages.

    I am assuming this is due to the form action being the current page, a page not within WP.

    I know I can use an iframe, but this would involve now having two footers, and whole new set of sidebars for the non-wordpress pages. Is there any other way to get it to work?

    I'd really appreciate any suggestions.

    Posted 11 years ago on Wednesday August 8, 2012 | Permalink
  2. This is an old topic, but for anyone reading, Gravity Forms will only work when embedded in a WordPress page, post, widget or template file. Gravity Forms require WordPress to work. Your iFrame solution is the best I know of when you need to embed a Gravity Form (and WordPress page or post) in a non-WordPress website.

    Posted 11 years ago on Monday May 27, 2013 | Permalink