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Word file content getting overwritten on 3 entries

  1. I have a form with 2 file upload fields. They have been working fine since January but now on March 1st I encountered an issue.

    I received 3 entries to the form that had 2 file attachments each, Word files (.doc). But the most recent form entry overwrote the older 2 entries's 2 file attachments. All attached files have different names and download as separate files of the respective names but each attachment has the same content of the 2 newest attachments. So there are 6 files total, 3 have have uploaded doc#1 content and 3 have uploaded doc#2 content from the most recent entry.

    Any ideas on what is going on and how to prevent it?

    Posted 13 years ago on Wednesday March 7, 2012 | Permalink
  2. Hi, paetzolddesign,

    Is your issue still occurring or was this an isolated incident? When files are uploaded in Gravity Forms, if there are files already in the folder with the same name as the one being uploaded, a number is appended to the filename before the period and extension. The number is incremented until a unique filename is found. So, if I uploaded resources.txt and then tried to upload it again, the newest file would be resources1.txt. Existing files should never be overwritten, so I am uncertain what has happened in your case.

    Can you reproduce the issue?

    Posted 13 years ago on Thursday March 15, 2012 | Permalink

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