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Workflow help and suggestions please

  1. stueynet

    So I am trying to accomplish a very simple registration system with GF. Is it possible to get information from the form entries to appear on a front end page for a logged in user? Here is the workflow I am trying to achieve:

    1) Logged in user submits the form
    2) Logged in user can visit a page that displays all of the submissions (whichever fields we choose) that he has made

    I can definitely save everything I need using the forms. The user registers from a particular page (in this case a course) and include the page id as part of the form submission entry as well as the user id. I just can't figure out how to display that user's form entries on the front end or if it is even possible. If it is I would love a brief overview of how to do it.

    Thanks in advance!


    Posted 13 years ago on Saturday February 12, 2011 | Permalink
  2. This isn't possible as a built in feature. In order to do this you would have to write the code yourself or use a 3rd party add-on. This might be possible with the Gravity Forms Directory Add-On which you can find here:

    Please note we didn't create this add-on, a Gravity Forms user did, so it isn't supported by us. You would have to get support via the developer of the Add-On.

    Posted 13 years ago on Monday February 14, 2011 | Permalink

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