Does the issue occur with a different theme activated? If it only occurs when you have the Collective Theme activated then it is a problem with the Collective Theme doing something it should not be doing and not a Gravity Forms issue that we can fix or resolve, it's a theme issue.
Another possibility is if you are using a role management plugin such as the Members plugin and your user account doesn't have the correct capabilities turned on. In that case you would have to use the role editor for the Members plugin to make sure all Gravity Forms capabilities are turned on.
If you aren't using Members plugin you could try installing the Members plugin and using it's role editor to do the same thing. If Collective Theme is doing something it should with roles (NO theme should be modifying roles) then Members may be able to override it.
You can find the Members plugin here:
After you activate it you would have to turn role management options on, then go to the role editor and edit the Admin role and make sure ALL the Gravity Forms related capabilities are checked and active.
Posted 14 years ago on Wednesday September 29, 2010 |