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"You're holding it wrong."

  1. chino

    Is there some step-by-step instructions that I seem to be missing? I have the form on the individual product page but it's not adding to cart nor sending the email. What needs to be done exactly to link the form to the product?

    Posted 12 years ago on Tuesday January 22, 2013 | Permalink
  2. David Peralty

    Can you link to your form? Gravity Forms doesn't have a cart system, but instead is a straight through e-commerce system. You select the options you want, the total field displays the cost, then if you have a payment processor added, such as Paypal, and the feeds set-up, then it sends the user to Paypal to allow them to pay.

    Posted 12 years ago on Tuesday January 22, 2013 | Permalink
  3. chino

    Oh, sorry. Yes, I have Woocommerce set up on the site, as well. It works fine using the variations in Woocommerce but doesn't have all the features needed and thus I am using GFs. It's not sending an email either but I'm guessing that has something to do with Dreamhost from reading other posts.

    This is pretty much a duplicate of my previous post:

    Posted 12 years ago on Tuesday January 22, 2013 | Permalink
  4. I have already answered your duplicate topic:

    Posted 12 years ago on Tuesday January 29, 2013 | Permalink

This topic has been resolved and has been closed to new replies.