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closed Help with styling my form 5 Kevin Flahaut
closed font size of notification email 5 mikebrogan
Order form Styling issue 4 Kevin Flahaut
closed fields next to each other 3 old_blueyes
Updating CSS to format forms 2 Kevin Flahaut
Styling Forms 8 Kevin Flahaut
closed Styling Multi-page form. 9 Kevin Flahaut
Ok, I'm totally lost with the instruction labels in forms 4 Kevin Flahaut
closed How to implement Excellent/Good/Fair ratings with radio buttons 32 Chris Hajer
Making my form styling look like the gravity forms preview styling 4 Kevin Flahaut
Reduce Gravity Forms height in CSS 11 Kevin Flahaut
Pagelines + Gravity Forms - Don't even think about it!!! 3 Carl Hancock
closed How do we style validation errors? 9 jackbarham
Gravity Forms gf_left_half and gf_right_half doesnt work with Vigilance 4 Kevin Flahaut
closed EcoBiz Form Styling and GravityForms 4 Kevin Flahaut
Submit Button Styling 2 Kevin Flahaut
closed Validation input 4 Kevin Flahaut
Input Field Appearance 4 Carl Hancock
closed Add Form Border 3 brianrking
closed How can I replicate a form done with Contact Form 7 as a Gravity Form? 11 Kevin Flahaut
closed Can't see "submit" in submit button [resolved] 3 royalston
New CSS Targeting Samples Added to Documentation 1 Kevin Flahaut
Styling GF in version 1.5 - best practice? 2 Kevin Flahaut
Google Fonts with input fields 5 Kevin Flahaut
closed CSS to change field box and font size 6 Kevin Flahaut
Stylish label 2 Kevin Flahaut
closed Radio button CSS styling 2 Kevin Flahaut
Trying to add submit button to the same line as a data field 4 Kevin Flahaut
closed Field positioning issues 6 Kevin Flahaut
closed [resolved] Custom CSS Styling on Gravity Form 8 David