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Text missing in Post drafts 3 kbkisan
closed Checkboxes and text don't align nicely 4 Fred Romano
Slashes being stripped from textarea on submit 3 Lee Hord
closed Allow HTML in field label 8 jkovach
closed Adding label after field 3 Jean-Francois Arseneault
Unnecessary esc_html() in get_checkbox_choices()? 13 m4change
Thank you note After form submission 5 Kevin Flahaut
Best way to add text to form 2 Carl Hancock
closed Additional field type - text only 9 Kevin Flahaut
Admin email notification - text only.... 2 Tony
Add a single text label without a field to be filled 2 Chris Hajer
Can this be done with a dropdown menu 4 Carl Hancock
Text only 4 Kevin Flahaut
closed Adding Text to a Form 7 Kevin Flahaut