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Conditional Logic - Adding Rule - No options for additional fields?

  1. Gil Namur

    Hi There,

    I have a question about conditional logic in the form settings.

    I want the form SUBMIT button to stay hidden unless all rules (required inputs) are met.

    If I add a second rule, there is a drop down box but there is only one option in it which is the same as the first rule:
    "You have read and agree to our Terms & Conditions stated above."

    How do I add other fields?

    Here is a link to the form in question.

    The reason I really need this is because of the issue I mentioned in this topic "Image Uploads Fail If All Required Fields Incomplete"

    Thanks so much! Your product is great! I just need to wrap my head around it a bit more :-)

    Posted 14 years ago on Monday January 24, 2011 | Permalink
  2. Conditional logic is limited to multiple option fields (check boxes, drop downs, and multiple choice) with the exclusion of the "Post Category" field which is dynamically populated and functions differently than a standard drop down field.

    The issue you are experiencing with the image field is that when there is an error on the form, the image fields must be re-uploaded. The values are automatically cleared from the image inputs to indicate this on my tests. What browser are you using?

    Posted 14 years ago on Tuesday January 25, 2011 | Permalink
  3. Gil Namur

    Hi David,

    Re Conditional Logic: Understood! However, it would be nice if there was an option that prevented the submit button from showing until ALL "required" fields are complete.

    As for the image issue, I just read the blog entry on 1.5 and it looks like this will be dealt with in that version yes? I tested the form in Firefox, Chrome and a fellow worker also tested it in Safari.
    One more thing on images though. We have WP set to a max 1.5mb file size for upload. If I submit a larger image, the form completes and enters a post but no file is uploaded to the system. Is there a way to have the form issue an error statement (Your file is too large. Please re-size your image to less than 1.5MB and re submit). ?
    Thanks David!
    Really appreciate your help!

    Posted 14 years ago on Tuesday January 25, 2011 | Permalink