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Custom form fields in Form Editor

  1. bradvin

    Hi Guys,

    Just wondering if there was a hook in GF whereby I can add my own custom form fields to the form editor screen in the admin backend. I want to add field types to the list of fields, on the left of the screen, when creating a form.

    Is this possible with the current version (1.5.2) ?


    Posted 13 years ago on Tuesday May 3, 2011 | Permalink
  2. Yes, you could add entirely new form field types and field groups using available hooks. The primary hook you would use is: gform_add_field_buttons and the documentation is located here:

    We don't have a tutorial for it yet but it's something we would like to create a tutorial for, it's still advanced usage. There are some basic examples on the documentation page.

    Posted 13 years ago on Tuesday May 3, 2011 | Permalink