Yeah, there's no provision to do what you're asking right now. The current option removes the form once it's been posted and replaces it with a confirmation message, or simply redirects. We've discussed some more options for this scenario for the future, but right now you have to work with this functionality.
I guess you could work around it by possibly placing the form in an iframed page in your header, then use the regular (non-AJAX) submission method. When you do that, you can include the form shortcode in the confirmation message so it essentially reloads the form in the same place. Unfortunately, using the shortcode with the AJAX submission method doesn't work the same.
Once you've done that, you'll need to remove the default confirmation message styling if you don't want it, but I believe that would work.
screenshot ( result of shortcode in confirmation message as shown above ):
I'm sure it's not an optimal solution, but a work-around that should get the job done until there are more options.
Hope that helps.
Posted 13 years ago on Wednesday October 19, 2011 |