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Forms Clearing On Submit - Sometimes

  1. Gil Namur

    Hi There,

    Our article contribution form ( ) which we have used for since May 23 of 2011 is now experiencing an intermittent problem.

    I have had authors report to me that on submit, all fields were cleared and they were returned to the top of the page. One was using the latest version of Firefox and made several attempts, the other was using the latest version of Chrome and also made several attempts.

    The next day, the author using Firefox was able to submit a different article.

    I have tested the forms in both browsers and both tests worked fine.

    We have had successful submissions through the forms on the same days that the above mentioned authors had problems.

    We are running WordPress 3.3.1. and Gravity Forms 1.6.2. We run WP Super Cache but have done so all along and never had an issue like this before.

    Any ideas would be welcome! If you need more details or info from me, please let me know.

    Thanks and cheers,


    Posted 13 years ago on Friday January 13, 2012 | Permalink