I have about 20 different sections in one form. Is there a way to set that in the email they don't show up?
I have about 20 different sections in one form. Is there a way to set that in the email they don't show up?
When using the {all_fields} merge tag, no. However you can craft your own email by inserting each field individually into the email. Only the values will be included at that point.
Okay if I list them individually will they still only show the fields that have orders?
Normally, you would do something like:
Name: {name:1}
Phone: {phone:2}
Shipping: {shipping:7}
You would add your own text label, then the merge tag for the value. If there were no value submitted for a field, the label (Name, Phone, Shipping) would still be shown, with a blank value. Is that what you mean?
If you want to include labels only when there is a value submitted, you would have to use a little customization in your theme's functions.php that says "if there is a value, then add the label and a value to the notification."
If that's what you're looking for, I will find some examples of how to do that.