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Unique reference number for submissions

  1. pinman

    We want unique id numbers to be generated upon form submission. These need to be 10 digit including 3 digit prefix. I found and which works perfect apart from generating random numbers. We want numbers to be generated in incremental order rather than random numbers. I am not familiar with php, so can you please help.

    Posted 13 years ago on Tuesday December 6, 2011 | Permalink
  2. This isn't currently a built in feature.

    You were on the right track with the guid example, that is exactly what you want to do. However, because you want it incremental you would have to customize the guid code to suit your needs.

    Your custom code would need to query the existing entry data to get the last value that is present and then increment it, append it to the guid and then store it as the field value.

    This isn't something we have a tutorial or an example to point you to. It's a customization so you would have to write the code or hire a WordPress developer with Gravity Forms experience to write this type of customization for you.

    Posted 13 years ago on Tuesday December 6, 2011 | Permalink
  3. I am probably overlooking something obvious, but I've been forum-diving for an hour now and haven't found what I'm looking for... Carl, you reference (here and elsewhere) that we should "query the existing entry data to get the last value that is present and then increment it." I understand what we're trying to do, but I can't for the life of me figure out how to execute that query. How would I query for the most recent entry for a given form, in order to e.g. have the above GUIDs be incremented within different ranges for a specific form?

    Posted 12 years ago on Thursday January 19, 2012 | Permalink
  4. wilflare

    I have a request for this as well.. anyone can point us?

    Posted 12 years ago on Wednesday February 22, 2012 | Permalink
  5. wilflare

    i would love to self-code this. anyone could point us somewhere?

    Posted 12 years ago on Thursday February 23, 2012 | Permalink
  6. The code does not currently exist as a sample I can point you to. The closest thing to what is described is the thread mentioned in the original post:

    You'd have to take that code and modify it to accomplish the sequential capabilities.

    I'm not aware of any example code right now for querying entry data. I'll see if I can get one one of the developers on our team to come up with a code snippet to use as a starting point.

    Posted 12 years ago on Tuesday February 28, 2012 | Permalink
  7. i made an updated code for generating Incremental ID generation

    add_filter("gform_pre_render", "process_unique");
    function process_unique($form) {
    global $uuid;
    $uuid['form_id'] = $form['id'];
    switch($form['id']) {
    case 6: //form ID
    $uuid['field_id'] = 60; //field ID on the form
    case 14: //form ID
    $uuid['field_id'] = 158; //field ID on the form
    case 12: //form ID
    $uuid['field_id'] = 158; //field ID on the form
    case 11: //form ID
    $uuid['field_id'] = 34; //field ID on the form
    add_filter("gform_field_value_uuid", "get_unique");
    return $form;
    function get_unique(){
    global $uuid;
    $form_id = $uuid['form_id'];
    $field_id = $uuid['field_id'];
    switch($form['id']) {
    case 6:
    $prefix = "FOHSRF # - "; //prefix for different forms
    case 14:
    $prefix = "VSRF # - "; //prefix for different forms
    case 12:
    $prefix = "VSRF # - "; //prefix for different forms
    case 11:
    $prefix = "VSDEIF # - "; //prefix for different forms
    do {
    $formid = $form_id; //get ID of the form
    $form_count = RGFormsModel::get_form_counts($formid);
    $unique = $form_count['total'] + 1; // count of the lead form entries incremented by one
    $unique = str_pad($unique, 3, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); // padding for number format 001,002...015 so 3 digit number format
    $unique = $prefix . $unique; // prefix and the unique number
    } while (!check_unique($unique, $form_id, $field_id));
    return $unique;
    function check_unique($unique, $form_id, $field_id) {
    global $wpdb;
    $table = $wpdb->prefix . 'rg_lead_detail';
    $result = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT value FROM $table WHERE form_id = '$form_id' AND field_number = '$field_id' AND value = '$unique'");
    return true;
    return false;
    Posted 12 years ago on Tuesday November 27, 2012 | Permalink
  8. Thanks again for the code. I am going to close this topic because it is older, and refer people to your other post:

    Posted 12 years ago on Tuesday November 27, 2012 | Permalink
  9. Gil Namur

    I am testing this code and have it ALMOST working.
    It's not generating the prefix.
    I am using the exact code (other than changing form and field ID's) for 2 forms.
    I am using uuid as the Parameter Name.
    What am I missing?
    Thanks and cheers,

    Posted 11 years ago on Wednesday February 13, 2013 | Permalink
  10. Gil, have you seen this other recent post, maybe a little more simplified. You can read from this reply downward.

    Posted 11 years ago on Wednesday February 13, 2013 | Permalink
  11. Gil Namur

    Hi Chris,
    Thanks :-)
    I did look at it and that would work great for a single form but I have to do 3 different ones with different prefixes which is why I thought the code above looked promising.
    He never mentioned if he only used uuid for the parameter or added something to that for the prefix.
    Sooooooooo close LOL

    Posted 11 years ago on Wednesday February 13, 2013 | Permalink
  12. Did you make any more progress with this Gil?

    Posted 11 years ago on Sunday February 17, 2013 | Permalink
  13. Gil Namur

    Hi Chris,

    Nope. I'm stuck. Mind you, I have had a plethora of other things to do as well.
    Will leave you a question at the post you pointed me to. Oh wait! I cant ... it's closed.
    Question is - as you know I need multiple prefixes.
    If i added a second filter - same code but changed the value to uuid2 and then changed the prefix, would that work? (gform_field_value_uuid2)
    THANKS and cheers,

    Posted 11 years ago on Monday February 18, 2013 | Permalink
  14. That approach would populate a different parameter in the same form, the parameter names uuid2. Is that what you want, or do you want a one prefix tied to one form, and each prefix will be different (one prefix for each form)?

    Posted 11 years ago on Monday February 18, 2013 | Permalink
  15. Gil Namur

    Hi Chris,
    Indeed ... one prefix (which becomes part of a unique PO#) for each form.
    Order Form 1 - PayPal sales) prefix PP-#####
    Order From 2 - COD sales) prefix COD-#####
    I thought that if I used the code you show here - - and used uuid as the parameter for form 1 and uuid2 as the parameter for form 2 that would get me there?

    Posted 11 years ago on Monday February 18, 2013 | Permalink
  16. Gil Namur

    Hi Chris,
    Further to my note yesterday - using the code you have at -

    If I use your fist example, it faithfully returns a number, but no prefix.
    If I use the last bit of code in that thread, it returns the prefix, but no number.
    Just doing this on one form, using your exact code.

    Posted 11 years ago on Tuesday February 19, 2013 | Permalink
  17. Gil, I revised the code a little bit later in that topic:

    The $prefix was not working correctly, so I hard coded it. Please try this code.

    Posted 11 years ago on Tuesday February 19, 2013 | Permalink
  18. Gil Namur

    Hi Chris,
    I DID try that code. Exactly as you have it there. ( I referred to it as the last bit of code).
    It returns a prefix, but no number. I just tried it again. Same result.
    I am assuming that all I need to enter in the hidden field for Parameter Name is uuid - correct?

    Posted 11 years ago on Tuesday February 19, 2013 | Permalink
  19. Hi Gil,

    Sorry took long to respond

    here is the full code i had and its working.

    the problem is need to do the switch code inside the do while loop

    add_filter("gform_pre_render", "process_unique");
    function process_unique($form) {
        global $uuid;
        $uuid['form_id'] = $form['id'];
    	switch($form['id']) {
    	case 6:							//form ID
            $uuid['field_id'] = 60;		//field ID on the form
    	case 14:						//form ID
            $uuid['field_id'] = 158;	//field ID on the form
    	case 12:						//form ID
            $uuid['field_id'] = 158;	//field ID on the form
        case 11:						//form ID
            $uuid['field_id'] = 34;		//field ID on the form
        case 13:						//form ID
            $uuid['field_id'] = 28;		//field ID on the form
    	case 16:						//form ID
            $uuid['field_id'] = 2;		//field ID on the form
        case 10:						//form ID
            $uuid['field_id'] = 49;		//field ID on the form
        case 4:						//form ID
            $uuid['field_id'] = 30;		//field ID on the form
        case 1:						//form ID
            $uuid['field_id'] = 34;		//field ID on the form
    	case 5:						//form ID
            $uuid['field_id'] = 49;		//field ID on the form
    	case 7:						//form ID
            $uuid['field_id'] = 60;		//field ID on the form
    	case 8:						//form ID
            $uuid['field_id'] = 33;		//field ID on the form
    	case 3:						//form ID
            $uuid['field_id'] = 29;		//field ID on the form
    	case 2:						//form ID
            $uuid['field_id'] = 5;		//field ID on the form
        add_filter("gform_field_value_uuid", "get_unique");
        return $form;
    function get_unique(){
        global $uuid;
    	$form_id = $uuid['form_id'];
        $field_id = $uuid['field_id'];
    	global $wpdb;
        do {
    		$formid = $form_id; //get ID of the form
    		    switch($form_id) {
    			case 6:
    				$prefixs = "FOHSRF # - ";	//prefixs for different forms
    			case 14:
    				$prefixs = "VSRF # - ";		//prefixs for different forms
    			case 12:
    				$prefixs = "VSRF # - ";		//prefixs for different forms
    			case 11:
    				$prefixs = "VSDEIF # - ";	//prefixs for different forms
    			case 13:
    				$prefixs = "FOHSRLR # - ";	//prefixs for different forms
    			case 10:
    				$prefixs = "SMRF # - ";	//prefixs for different forms
    			case 4:
    				$prefixs = "VTTCF # - ";	//prefixs for different forms
    			case 1:
    				$prefixs = "EHF # - ";	//prefixs for different forms
    			case 5:
    				$prefixs = "ELA # - ";	//prefixs for different forms
    			case 7:
    				$prefixs = "IRF # - ";	//prefixs for different forms
    			case 8:
    				$prefixs = "SIF # - ";	//prefixs for different forms
    			case 3:
    				$prefixs = "RIF # - ";	//prefixs for different forms
    			case 16:
    				$prefixs = "GHIRA # - ";	//prefixs for different forms
    			case 2:
    				$prefixs = "CSF wewwe# - ";	//prefix for different forms
    		$tables = $wpdb->prefix . 'rg_lead';
    		$form_count = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $tables WHERE form_id = '$formid'");
    		//$date = date("d/m/Y");
    		//$form_count = RGFormsModel::get_form_counts($formid);
            $unique = $form_count + 1; // count of the lead form entries incremented by one
    		$unique = str_pad($unique, 3, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); // padding for number format 001,002...015 so 3 digit number format
    		$date = date('m-d-Y');
            $unique = $prefixs . $unique . ' - ' . $date; // prefixs and the unique number	//	
        } while (!check_unique($unique, $form_id, $field_id));
        return $unique;
    function check_unique($unique, $form_id, $field_id) {
        global $wpdb;
        $table = $wpdb->prefix . 'rg_lead_detail';
        $result = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT value FROM $table WHERE form_id = '$form_id' AND field_number = '$field_id' AND value = '$unique'");
            return true;
        return false;
    Posted 11 years ago on Thursday February 21, 2013 | Permalink
  20. Gil Namur

    Hi drawonline :-)

    THANKS! I will try this today.
    Just to be clear on the cases. If I only have 2 cases, do I need the print_r('aaa');
    statement before the last break? Like this below.

    case 1: //form ID
    $uuid['field_id'] = 8; //field ID on the form
    case 2: //form ID
    $uuid['field_id'] = 8; //field ID on the form

    Thanks and cheers,


    Posted 11 years ago on Thursday February 21, 2013 | Permalink
  21. Gil Namur

    Hi drawonline.

    This works perfectly!
    Thank YOU!!!!!


    Posted 11 years ago on Friday February 22, 2013 | Permalink

This topic has been resolved and has been closed to new replies.