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closed Why is the submit button still not aligned? 6 Kevin Flahaut
closed List 6 fields next to each other (inline) 6 Kevin Flahaut
closed fields next to each other 3 old_blueyes
Aligning options next to each other 4 Kevin Flahaut
closed repeating field groups while using gf_inline 3 stoutdesign
Styling Forms, Inline fields 4 Kevin Flahaut
Need some help please 2 Kevin Flahaut
closed Help getting form elements on same line 2 Kevin Flahaut
closed Inline item issue 6 Kevin Flahaut
closed IE8 labels left aligned 5 Kevin Flahaut
CSS Class Name Issue 4 Kevin Flahaut
closed Field Grouping 7 jurgen
Confirmation Message Container Box Not Fitting 2 Kevin Flahaut
Put the description of the text box inside of the forms. 2 Kevin Flahaut
Adding a title attribute to a field 6 Kevin Flahaut
Gravity form inline popup 3 pauldewouters
Custom Form for Interior Designers 3 funeralfuturist
closed Need help with inline forms :( 3 melolomo
closed Radio button CSS styling 2 Kevin Flahaut
Required fields not being asked for 9 drtanz
closed Data fields in same row 14 DannyH